Positive Behaviour 4 Engagement


Berni (Custom).jpgPositive Behaviour 4 Engagement is our behaviour management programme at St Bernard's.  It has as its premise that behaviour is all we do.  Every action we take and  every word we speak is behaviour.

Positive Behaviour 4 Engagement is concerned with teaching the children the expected behaviour for different situations.  There is no guessing as to what is expected and the children know how to behave.

The BERNIs are the expectations we use within the school and they are the keystones of our  Positive Behaviour 4 Engagement ​Programme. 

BERNI is an acronym for

Be Safe,
Encouraging Words, ​
Respect All, ​
Nurture Excellence,
Invite and Include. 

    •  Expectations are taught weekly based on our BERNI Rules Rule PB4E Matrix. 
    •  BERNI Awards presented at Assembly  for children's efforts within the  class 
    •  BERNI stars are handed out to catch children making positive choices. 

Support Documents:

BERNI PB4E Matrix.pdf
Student Behaviour Support Plan​

